Why choose AIAT services ?
We can help you meet the requirements of international industrial standards :
Ensure that you have the right systems, processes,resources and procedures.
Manage risks that arise from industry applications
Demonstrate that you are certified to deliver the requirements of particular specifications.
Confirm that you are approved and deemed competent to provide your products and services to other industrial organizations.

AIAT operates as an independent accreditation organization working in accordance with the principles of internationally accepted regulations to satisfy the needs of both certifying and certified. We bring a new and pragmatic approach to the accreditation process. In many other countries the maintenance of educational standards is a governmental function. Due to the numerous recognized benefits, most eligible institutions in this and other regions have sought to become accredited.

AIAT accreditation process aims at institutions developing and sustaining effective educational programs. The goal is to the educational community, the general public, and relevant organizations that an accredited institution has met high standards of quality and effectiveness. The AIAT accredits institutions, not individual programs. Therefore, in addition to assessing the academic quality and educational effectiveness of institutions, AIAT emphasizes innovative institutional structures, processes, and resources.